News Latest News Upcoming conferences in 2023 Below is a list of upcoming national and international conferences relevant to workers in the viral hepatitis space. Indigenous Peoples Conference – HIV and Hepatitis Health Equity Sofitel Brisbane, Australia from 21– 22 July 2023. The theme of the conference is Achieving Health Equity for First Nations Peoples in HIV and Hepatitis in an increasingly Inequitable World. Despite significant efforts, First Nations Peoples in Australia and around the globe, continue to face significant challenges in preventing, treating, and managing HIV and Hepatitis. The centring of Indigenous peoples’ expertise, experiences and leadership will be a feature of this conference; recognising that this is at the same time is what is required to drive equity for Indigenous Peoples. Find out more. Scholarships and Awards International HIV Coinfection + Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference Sofitel Brisbane, Australia from 21– 22 July 2023. ASHM is excited to announce the International HIV Coinfection + Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference will be taking place in Brisbane, Australia ahead of IAS 2023. The theme of the conference is Innovation informing implementation. Recent years have seen transformative therapeutic developments for hepatitis C that have driven an ambitious agenda towards global hepatitis C elimination. Many countries have made initial advances in treating hepatitis C in those already engaged in care, and in some micro-populations, including people living with HIV. Despite this early success, declining hepatitis C treatment rates mean that achieving the WHO elimination goals by 2030 seems increasingly out of reach and new initiatives aimed at reaching those still untreated are required. Find out more. Scholarships and Awards The 11th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users Geneva, Switzerland, 17-20 October 2023 The International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) is a global membership organisation dedicated to improving the health of people who use drugs, with a specific focus on hepatitis C, infectious diseases, and harms that can occur from drug use. We believe the most powerful impact is achieved when researchers, clinicians, advocates, and communities of people who use drugs come together to share knowledge, learn from each other, and put those insights into action. Find out more. Scholarships and Awards APSAD Scientific Drug and Alcohol Conference 2023 Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia, 12-15 November 2023 The APSAD Conference provides an opportunity for networking and ideas sharing in a friendly and informal atmosphere with a cross-section of AOD workers; practitioners, researchers, peer workers, consumers, and policymakers. The conference also contributes to building capacity and capability in AOD by providing opportunities for engagement and learnings from early to mid career, and more experienced researchers and clinicians. The conference theme for 2023 is Unity In Diversity. This theme speaks to both the great diversity in client groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, refugees, culturally and linguistically diverse people, and the LGBTQIA+ rainbow community; and also, to the crucial contributions of professionals from a range of backgrounds including researchers, public health professionals, policy makers, clinicians and peers, all with the common goal of improving outcomes for people who use alcohol and other drugs. Find out more. Past Conferences: Australasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases (POC 2023) Sydney, Australia from 14 – 15 March 2023. The World Health Organization has set ambitious global targets for the control of a range of infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections, human papillomavirus, tuberculosis, and others. These global targets can only be attained if people at risk have access to accurate testing. However, for many communities at risk of these infections, timely testing is unavailable or difficult to access because it requires centralised, sophisticated laboratories. The recent advances in point-of-care testing have the potential to be transformative by decentralising accurate diagnostic testing in community settings, but in many contexts this potential remains unrealised. Find out more. Harm Reduction International Conference 2023 Melbourne, Australia from 16 – 19 April 2023. The Harm Reduction International Conference, convened by Harm Reduction International in a different city every two years, attracts over 1,000 international delegates and has been held in almost every region of the world. Harm Reduction International is thrilled to be holding HR23 in Melbourne, Australia, on 16-19 April 2023. Registration for HR23 is open now. Register today to attend the first global convening of the harm reduction community post-COVID. Global Hepatitis Summit 2023 Paris, France and online from 25 – 28 April 2023. GHS 2023 will feature a unique interdisciplinary Summit designed to share the latest developments in all aspects of liver diseases, including viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma and so on. It will encompass the continuum of research from basic science to clinical research and public health applications. GHS 2023 will be as much a networking event as a cutting-edge research conference, featuring dedicated tracks for health practitioners and inspiring workshops for those working in the liver and hepatitis space, where renown speakers will highlight the most exciting recent results in the field and provide perspectives for research and patient management. Multidisciplinary focus for all areas of interest will include basic science, translational research, development of novel diagnostic tools and therapies, and approaches to control and eliminate liver diseases as public health threats. Registrations to attend in person or virtually are now open Manage Cookie Preferences