News Harm Reduction 2023: pre-conference on viral hepatitis and harm reduction Hepatitis Australia is proud to be a co-organiser of a pre-conference event for the Harm Reduction International Conference 2023 taking place in Melbourne this April. ‘HR23 pre-conference on viral hepatitis and harm reduction’ will be held the day before the conference starts, on Saturday 15 April from 10 am-4 pm at the Doherty Institute Auditorium. This is a FREE in-person event without a virtual component. The event will convene experts in viral hepatitis to exchange information around the significant current opportunities to advance viral hepatitis testing and treatment amongst people who use drugs, with a view to contributing to the WHO’s 2030 target to eliminate hepatitis C and B. Register here Event program 9.30 Coffee and tea 10.00 Welcome to Country Opening with remarks from Doherty and Harm Reduction InternationalINPUD, WHO and University of NSW NDARC 10.45 Unpacking the Critical Elements of the Viral Hepatitis and Harm ReductionResponse in Australia with presentations from AIVL, Hepatitis Australia, HarmReduction Victoria, Burnet Institute, NUAA, Doherty and North RichmondCommunity Health 11.45 Strategies to integrate Viral Hepatitis and Harm Reduction from around theworld with presentations from INHSU, MdM Myanmar, PATH and WHO 12.30 Lunch 1.30 The International Funding Landscape, with remarks from the Global Fund,CHAI, the Hepatitis Fund, INPUD and Harm Reduction International 2.30 Sharing plans for HCV prevention and treatment under the Unitaid grants –remarks from Unitaid, Médecins du Monde, Alliance for Public Health Ukraine,INPUD and PATH 3.30 Closing session with reflections from Burnet, Harm Reduction Victoria andHarm Reduction International Manage Cookie Preferences